The establishment is scared that we will stand up and tell the truth.
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They say that there is perfection in things that come in threes. Currently there are three major eugenics schemes underway in Ireland, the C-19-injection killing and injuring, the undeclared sterilisation cult of the transgender movement, and the introduction of excessive numbers of people from very different cultures into this island. These schemes are all part of one big harmonised civilisation-destroying war machine.
Of all the civilisation destruction schemes ongoing, the C-19 injection is the worst. We have almost 20,000 post-injection excess deaths. There are three main agents that colluded in endorsing and facilitating the C-19-injection scheme, the government, the media and the medical industry.
It’s easy to feel outrage at Olympic opening ceremonies that vaunt mockeries of things precious to our civilisation, such as a 500-yr-old painting of The Last Super. The Olympic debacle was downright ugly and gave people permission to openly express disgust, providing a release valve for pent-up tensions from the establishment evils we are currently enduring. Theatrical displays do not kill people, the C-19 injection is killing people.
All things considered, it is a slick social- engineering tactic to trigger people into getting all hot and bothered about a public performance, and let them vent frustrations about theatrics while the establishment keeps a lid on public expressions about the ongoing medical genocide.
While we got busy online expressing outrage at vulgar stage antics, the HSE continues to offer the C-19 eugenics injection, even to pregnant women. That’s kinda smart too, because miscarried babies aren’t counted in the excess deaths statistics - things that happen in women’s bodies. There were recently anti-abortion demonstrations held in Dublin. The media reports showed a significant turnout. But when people take to the streets to spread information about post-C-19-injection excess deaths, and almost 20,0000 people killed, there isn’t any media coverage.
There is a huge vortex, a truth-silencing vacuum, in our collective commentary spaces that sucks out the facts and information about the killing and injuring caused by the C-19 injection, the open secret of our times. We are living through a quota-genocide in almost deafening silence, and it is precisely that silence that affirms the free-flowing banality of evil.
Maybe it’s a class thing, maybe it’s because it is the establishment that is doing it all - many an Irish person is still subservient to the legacy social privilege attached to the medical or political caste in our Republic. Sometimes people will use the title Dr. when referring to a doctor in social settings outside of the medical workplace.
Maybe it’s not possible to fully comprehend the whole thing or the deep-reaching ramifications of what is actually playing out right now. Whatever is going on, we citizens of Ireland are permitting medical-industry personnel to continue injecting and this is causing death and injuries to some of our civilians.
Maybe it’s just that the evil is so far out that it is currently beyond the grasp of normal thinking patterns, we just can’t get our head around it all. It’s simply too big and too bad, and so we are resorting to wishful thinking, that the whole thing might just disappear, or unvoiced prayers, that the injection won’t kill us prematurely. Many people have been bereaved, injured or are caring for suffering relatives. Others are laden with guilt and regret for injection decisions they made 3 years ago. And some people are experiencing a complete U-turn in personal beliefs and everything they thought they knew about the world. Many of us are heavily burdened and not yet capable of clear critical thinking about it all.
It is enormous, it is mind-boggling and it is evil, but if we stay quiet then we too are complicit in permitting and in normalising the massive evil of our times. All informed people have a duty to take steps to either inform others or state the injection facts to people in positions of responsibility.
What if…
The Olympic opening ceremony was a celebration of all things anti-traditional and a display of garish, off-kilter aesthetics to promote weirdly sexed bodies and all that kinda thing. After World War I, Berlin became a city renowned for decadence, drugs and prostitution, with a thriving transvestite and outré cabaret culture. This was the precursor to the era of Nazi totalitarian power. Wouldn’t it be just mad to think that 100 years later, the globalist powers had purposely conditioned our contemporary society to celebrate decadence and anti-traditional values in a move to push society so far in that direction so as to generate a pendulum swing of reactionary forces that crave regimental order and extreme right-wing control again. Totalitarianism is totalitarianism, whether it comes in far-left or far-right format doesn’t make too much difference to the oppressed.
The Corona-virus thingy was defined in 2019, and the pandemic was declared in 2020, seventy-five years after the end of WWII. It is said of Hitler, that “the Nazi dictator should have worn a stamp on the seat of his pants with three words on it: "Made at Versailles” (Samuel W. Mitcham, war historian), because the seeds for WWII were sown in 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles imposed excessively harsh conditions on the losers of WWI, Germany.
The three main historic symbols of Paris are the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral (burnt down in 2019) and the Sacré Coeur Basilica. On the day after the Olympics ceremony, there was a power outage in Paris, the City of Light that was hosting the Olympic torch. But lo and behold, during the blackout there was electric light shining exclusively over the Catholic Sacré Coeur that sits atop the hill of Montmartre, which was originally dedicated to Mars, the god of war. Maybe it’s not so much Agenda 2030 that counts as much as an explosive 2039, centenary of the start of WWII. Quick internet searches all highlight that the church was given minor basilica status in 1919 and that it has always been tinged with communist-related controversy. It was built on the site where the working-class Parisian Communards of the late 1870s were massacred. In recognition of the controversy, French officialdom did not approve the basilica’s status as a national historic monument until 2022. A week after the ceremony, on Olympic tennis courts Djokovic was being booed, and so we were shown images of him pulling out the chain and cross from under his T-shirt to show us what he’s made of. The anti-injection hero is now a pro-Christianity hero. Is religion being manipulated as the basis for the new divide and rule?
Who knows what’s really going on. There are certainly lots of theatrics involved, and there is slick manipulation of both historic patterns and dynamics, and important legacy symbols and concepts. This functions so as to capture and direct our collective acquiescence towards undisclosed dynamics that are certainly designed to harm us. When lights are shone on religion, things can get very heated, intolerance and hatred can be whipped up very quickly. History books tell us that the big three religious power bases, Christian, Jewish and Muslim, are often inclined to fight each other, and that it is the ordinary people who suffer horrifically when this happens.
We could be smarter this time. We can ignore the theatrics, and get on with the spiritually adroit work of calling out the biggest evil of our times, the injection genocide, which was heralded in by the theatrics staged for a bogeyman biblical plague, the Corona and crown of all historical dupes.
The following paragraphs are excerpts from 3 different letters addressed to people in the trio of Irish organisations that colluded in our medical genocide: personnel employed in politics, media and the HSE. These letter excerpts are printed with permission from WakeUpéiRe (, and they describe how individuals in these organisations failed to do the right thing, and include pleas to these people to start doing the right thing as soon as possible, so as to save lives.
The idea is that people open the PDFs attached in the webpage link provided, and copy and paste excerpts or the entire letter, or compose their own letter/email, and send these to people in responsible positions, such as a local TD or a GP. Letters can also be sent anonymously. This is one thing you can do. WakeUpéiRe would love to hear from those of you that send letters/emails.
This is the link for the Wakeupeire letter page:
It may be necessary to copy and paste the above link, tech issues are preventing link embedding here.
Excerpts from letter to Mayor of Limerick
“While the people of Limerick were living the glory years of four-in-a-row All-Ireland victories, proudly chanting Luimneach Abú and singing our beloved Cranberries songs, with green-and-white flags adorning the Walls of Limerick, Official Ireland was staying silent about the stealth death and injury of our people.”
“Elected representatives, working during or after such novel and extreme circumstances, have a duty to observe, monitor and register significant changes in their community, in statistics and in data. Public representatives have a basic duty to be aware of what is happening in their area. They can easily check with local hospitals, ambulance staff, GPs, nurses, priests, and funeral directors. Even the florists of Limerick must have noted an increased demand for funeral wreaths in these years. Yet, Official Ireland is choosing to avoid this awful truth.”
“In éiRe funerals have always been especially important. There is now a higher number of funerals to attend, and decent people are recognising this, as well as the other glaringly obvious signs that something profoundly serious and very wrong is happening in our country.”
Excerpts from letter to Limerick’s Live 95 FM radio station
“People rely on mainstream media for news and valuable information, and media companies depend on the implicit trust that the public place in them. Local radio stations enjoy an elevated level of public trust because of their close and interdependent relationship with the people and organisations of their area. In éiRe, local radio stations also function so as to preserve local character and independence in an increasingly globalist society. There is an unstated belief that the station will act faithfully in the best interests of the local people.”
“Irish media has exposed itself as very stupid and very ugly. There is a glaringly hollow tone to those so-called controversial radio shows where people phone in and passionately discuss difficult subjects with presenters that posture as earnest and concerned individuals. It is now blatantly obvious that these same presenters have no intention of lending a sympathetic ear to the tens of thousands of people who have been bereaved or injured by the Covid-19 injection in éiRe since 2021.”
“But the truth has an eloquence all of its own, and this uniquely human eloquence is starting to assert its rightful place in our public commentary spaces. As legacy institutions come under scrutiny for their complicity in the quota-genocide of the Irish people, there will be a shift in the collective consciousness towards the ideals of a society that prioritise human dignity and integrity. We will look back in embarrassment at contemporary media styles, at the incessant hollow hype and frenzied denial of important and unavoidable facts that have shaped our realities these last few years.”
Excerpts from letter to the HSE
“During the Corona virus pandemic there was no officially approved treatment for Covid diagnoses. The Covid-19 injection was marketed as a prophylactic medicine, not as a cure. This injection was a new-technology pharmaceutical, that was still in the experimental product phase. Therefore, it was of the utmost importance to monitor, record and evaluate all the effects, both beneficial and harmful, of this novel and experimental pharma product. Somehow, the basic logic and common sense of these safety measures were ignored by most medical professionals.
It is difficult for people who don’t work in mainstream medicine to understand how this could possibly happen. We have been led to believe that each professional has been trained, certified, and approved to carry out their responsibilities. Some medical professionals are authorised to make life-impacting decisions for people in vulnerable conditions. The whole system relies on public trust in the individuals who work the system. A civilised society should feel safe in the knowledge that our medical professionals, our health-care assistants, our hospital directors, our ministers for health and our medical administrators do their basic duty to observe medical realities, to report medically pertinent facts and to speak up when they become aware of any post-Covid-19-injection deaths and harms, and also to relate these things honestly and respectfully to patients.”
"Please consider the plight of the Covid-19 injection-injured patients who are now informed, who know about the huge sums of money given to GPs in Corona payment schemes, about the blanket media censorship on injection harms, about the awful denial of truth in the HSE. These injection victims are often compelled to seek treatment in mainstream medicine, the very system that harmed them in the first place. This cruel and twisted indignity is adding insult to injury. They may be feeling deep regret, anger, resentment, powerlessness, outrage, humiliation, fear, or even basic disgust. But their health vulnerability demands that they engage with the system’s cruel and dangerous denial of truth. Consider the injustice of having to pay exorbitant fees to a private consultant for a 10-minute visit in a system that has staunchly denied injection harms. This is deplorable.”
The truth is…
Basic factual and truthful statements have the power to blow up all the theatrics and shenanigans that have been precision engineered to occlude establishment evil actions and to capture our attention and divert our minds away from the basic fact: they are killing and injuring us.
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